Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment:


Substance Abuse and Addiction Treatment: 




Solution-Focused Therapy


Adlerian Therapy in the Treatment


Gestalt Therapy in the Treatment


Existential Therapy


Terms, Models, and Ethical Issues in Substance Abuse and Addiction


Substance Classifications, Effects, and Associated Dangers


Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment Planning


Motivational Interviewing


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy


Relapse Prevention in the Treatment


Applying Group Theory in the Treatment


Applying Family Systems Approaches in the Treatment


Existential Therapy in the Treatment of Substance Abuse -


Substance Abuse Counseling: Theory and Practice  -


Foundations of Addictions Counseling


History and Etiological Models of Addiction


Substance Addictions


Process Addictions


Important Professional Issues in Addictions Counseling


Introduction to Assessment


Assessment and Diagnosis of Addictions


Motivational Interviewing


Psychotherapeutic Approaches


Co-occurring Disorders and Addictions Treatment


Group Therapy for Treatment of Addiction


Addiction Pharmacotherapy


12-Step Facilitation of Treatment


Maintenance and Relapse Prevention


Alcohol Addiction and Families


Persons with Disabilities and Addictions


Substance Abuse Prevention Programs for Children, Adolescents, and College Students


Cross Cultural Counseling: Engaging Ethnic Diversity


Gender and Addictions


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Affirmative Addictions Treatment


Inpatient and outpatient Addiction Treatment


Introduction to Substance Abuse Counseling


Retaining Sobriety


Working with Selected Populations: Treatment Issues and Characteristics


Working with Diverse  Cultures: Exploring Sociocultural Influences and Realities




Ethical and Legal Issues in Substance Abuse Counseling


Major Substances of Abuse and the Body


Theories of Substance Abuse Etiology


Assessment and Diagnosis


Treatment Settings and Treatment Planning


Individual Treatment


Group Treatment


Family Treatment


Therapeutic Interviewing  -Essential Skills and Contexts of Counseling