Joining Together: Group Theory and Group Skills -


Group Dynamics


Valuing Diversity


Cooperative Learning in the Classroom


Leading Growth and Counseling Groups


Team Development, Team Training


Creating Effective Teams


Experiential Learning


Group Goals, Social Interdependence, and Trust


Communication Within Groups




Using Power


Decision Making


Controversy and Creativity


Managing Conflicts of Interest


Types of Group Work


Ethical and Legal Aspects of Working with Groups


Ethical and Legal Aspects of Group Work


Groups for Children


Groups for Adults


Groups for Older Adults


Transactional Analysis, Reality Therapy, Adlerian, & Person-Centered Groups


Existential, Gestalt, REBT, & Psychodrama Groups


Group Dynamics


Effective Group Leadership


Beginning a Group


The Transition Period in a Group: Norming and Storming


The Working Stage in a Group: Performing


Closing a Group


Group Work with Culturally Diverse Populations


Specialty Groups and Creativity in Groups


Groups:  A Counseling Specialty -