Systems Analysis
1-The Modern Systems Analyst
2-Information Systems Building Blocks
3-Information System Development
4-Systems Analysis
5-Data Modeling
6-Process Modeling
7-Network Modelling
8-Object Modeling
9-Systems Design and Construction
10-Architecture and Process Design
11-Database Design
12- Input Design and Prototyping
13-Output Design and Prototyping
14-Interface Design and Prototyping
15-Software Design
16-Object-Oriented Design
17-Systems Implementation
18-Systems Support
Computer Architecture
1: Computer Systems
2. Number Systems
3.a Data Formats
3.b Data Formats
4. Representing Integer Data
5. Floating Point Numbers
6. The Little Man Computer
7. The CPU and Memory
8. Design, Implementation &Enhancement
9. Input / Output
10. Computer Peripherals
11.Computer Systems and Networks
12. Three System Examples
13. Operating Systems: An Overview
14. The User View of Operating Systems
15.a the Internal Operating System
15.b Networks Internal Operating System
16. File Management
17. Programming Tools
18. Three Operating Systems
a-An Introduction to Digital Logic
b-Communication Channel Technology
c-Instruction Addressing Modes
Systems Analysis and Design Methods
1-Systems Analysis Objectives
2-Information System Building Blocks
3-Information Systems Development
4-Project Management
5-Systems Analysis
6-Fact-Finding Techniques for Requirements Discovery
7-Modeling System Requirements
8-Data Modeling and Analysis
9-Process Modeling
10-Object-Oriented Analysis and Modeling
11-Feasibility Analysis & System Proposal
12-Systems Design
13-Application Architecture
14-Database Design
15-Output Design and Prototyping
16-Input Design and Prototyping
17-User Interface Design
18-Object-Oriented Design and Modeling
19-Systems Construction & Implement
20-System Operations and Support
1-Entrepreneurs Recognize Opportunities
3-Finding Opportunity in Existing Business
4-The Business Plan: Road Map to Success
5-Creating Business from Opportunity
6-Exploring Your Market
7-Developing Right Marketing Mix
8-Pricing and Credit Strategies
9-Integrated Marketing Communications
10-Marketing Globally
11-Smart Selling & Customer Service
12-Start-up, Fixed, and Variable Costs
13-Financial Statements as a Guide
14-Cash Flow and Taxes
15-Financing Strategy: Debt and Equity
16-Legal Issues & Managing Risk
17-Operating for Success
18-Location, Facilities, and Layout
19-Human Resources and Management
20-Leadership and Ethical Practices
21-Franchising, Licensing, and Harvesting: Cashing in Your Brand
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